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I am: serious and fun. I get really involved in projects and then they are my life.

I want: a group that is both disciplined and fun, excited about their own work just as much as everyone else’s work, can brainstorm and respond in critique, and shows up and does the work.    

I am interested in doing a photographic project for winter quarter. I want to work with set up situations and putting fake things on film. Topics I am thinking about are spirit photographs (like double exposed frames showing living and dead) and looking at the critiques of Apollo moon photos (exploring the claims of why they are fake).

I am thinking about Jeff Wall’s work and the flow from painting to photography to cinematography, has the cycle through these mediums been aimed at the same goal? What is the goal? What is being represented? What history are they playing within?   

Submitted by Elise on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 3:36pm. Elise's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version